2014年5月30日 星期五

Robotic Angel


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    "Dear, please choose which me that you want me to be, I will become your lovely angel!"

    The gem attached to Xin-Fang's neck is a device that used to determine the mode of emotion-generating done by Xin-Fang's heart. Xin-Fang can't have any emotion (so that she also won't have any motive to act) if there is no gem on her neck. Furthermore, Xin-Fang has several different gems-- that means her lover can enjoy the feeling similar to having several girl friends!
    附著在機娘欣芳頸部的寶石,其實是用來決定她電子內心的情緒產生模式的晶片.如果欣芳脖子沒有裝上寶石晶片,她不會有任何心情,也就沒有動機了.欣芳甚至擁有多組寶石晶片 (和部份頸部外皮構成模組),這讓她的愛人可以藉由幫欣芳更換情緒模式,享受著類似擁有多個女朋友的齊人之福!

    Xin-Fang loves the gem system of herself, too. At the moment when one of her gems being put on her neck, she feels just like her soul is coming back. Xin-Fang believes each gems of her has a fragment of her soul.

