2014年5月25日 星期日

Fembot Cosplayers


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    People who have the same interesting usually will tend to help each other. That will also be true even for robots.

    One day a female robot cosplayer found that the battery of her body faulted when she was dressing her detached head. She exchanged with a new one, but she didn't want to leave the site to charge it. When she was bothering, another heroic fembot cosplayer appeared. She suggested that the pink one could take electricity from her own body.

    "Oh~ I can feel it, your hot current is flowing into me. My body is supported by your body. You are so cool and manly! "

    "Er, well. But I think I'm a female... Hahaha... "
With their heads 有頭版XD

