2016年12月31日 星期六

Dismantled Robot Girl 被拆解的機器女孩


2016年12月25日 星期日

I Have It Enough!! 我受夠了!!

    Cindy is a capable fembot office worker. She is excellent and pretty, and some of her colleagues envy her because of her awesome performance. They wanted to find a way to blow off steam, and finally they got the chance.

    Cindy has a fantastic pair of legs, she is so proud of them. She treasures them very much and doesn't want to exhaust them too much. Cindy always says that her delicate legs are only suitable for formal high heels. Every time when she gets off work, she will detach her legs and transfer herself to another pair of pseudo metal legs to go home. She will keep her beloved legs in her office.

    One Monday morning, Cindy came back to her office for working. When she opened her storage locker, she was totally astonished-- her lovable legs were damaged. Cindy was almost going to faint. However, she had to visit an important client immediately. Cindy had no choice but to assemble her damaged legs onto her body and leave.

    In the meeting, Cindy's client stared at her damaged legs, and that made her shameful. When the meeting was finished, Cindy went out and phoned her boyfriend (a.k.a. creator) for complaining: "I have it enough!!!"

2016年12月23日 星期五

Angry Husband 憤怒老公

"Where is my wife's torso? Tell me before I kill you, or... DIE!!"

2016年12月3日 星期六

Confess 告白

"I have read all of your touching love stories about female robots. I am deeply moved!"

"Wow, thank you so much! It's my pleasure that you enjoy my works."

"I can sense your sincere love toward robot girls, and I believe, if a robot girl was loved by you, she would be absorbed in her happiness!"

"I don't know, the only thing I can guarantee is I will love her fullheartedly."

"Oh~~ Well, tell me, if I am a robot, can I be your girl?"

"Haha, come on. You're an attractive lady, but you're not a robot..."

"Hey, take it more seriously, please."

"Well, if you are a robot girl, then you will be my perfect mate, but..."

"That's enough. You can wait and see---"

The girl pulls up her head, and places on a barstool.

"Look, I am truly a robot girl, right? Now it's your turn!"

2016年10月22日 星期六

Hatch Cover 維修孔蓋

---on the beach---

 (♂) "Blablabla... Wow! What a wonderful day! Hue-Xin, I am so happy with you!"
 (♀) "...Well, I'm also very happy, Shyo-Yu. I... I have a request..." (takes off the shirt)
 (♂) "Oh, Hue-Xin, what about it? Ahaha, don't tell me..."
 (♀) "Hey! Don't think it in the erotic way! See, I just ask you to help me on searching my abdomen hatch cover! I lost it when I was swimming in the sea."
 (♂) "Ouch! I can't believe it! Hue-Xin, you are a ROBOT!"
 (♀) "Hum? You just find it? You are way too ignorant of the girl you love! Anyway, get my belly back to me, I can sense that a fish is tasting it!"
 (♀) "And please help me to drain my belly compartment. You can disassemble me and hold my torso then waver it, our take a straw to do it. Hurry up!"

2016年9月27日 星期二

Fembot Flea Market 機娘跳蚤市場

You go to a fembot flea market. A smiling fembot finds you and walks to you.

"Would you please to buy me?" she says.

"Not a bad idea since you are pretty. But where are your other body parts?"

"Sir, here is the flea market. Why don't you buy a nice torso for me furthermore?" she smiles again.

2016年8月24日 星期三

Too Loose 太鬆

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て

About robot high school girl Koshi, please read:

    One day, Koshi saw a poor kitty on a tree. She wanted to rescue it, and she was confident of the performance of her robot body, so Koshi jumped onto the tree. However, though Koshi has a good body, but she also has a careless electronic brain. Koshi hadn't fixed her lower half tightly enough---

2016年8月13日 星期六

Robot Receptionist 機器人客服員

She may service you, but she also needs service sometimes--

2016年8月3日 星期三

Anime Lover

    Kuroda has his dreaming girl, but she is an anime character. Such that, Kuroda has no chance to meet his girl in real world...


    Oh, forget to tell you, Kuroda is also a senior robotic engineer ;)

    "Kuroda, I want to see you deadly. Now you make me come true by your hands..."

2016年7月29日 星期五

2016年7月16日 星期六

"Wao" "哇喔"

    Robot girl Min-Min is receiving her regular overhaul. When she looks at her dismantled and disassembled body, she thinks:

    "Wao, this is me. I still can't get used to it whatever how much times I see myself being dismantled. Amazing!"

    "I almost feel that I am a human girl. I breathe, I eat, and I even defecate. I also think, love, and live as a girl. However--"

    "Look at those things, they are my parts, I am composed of them. Is it real? This scene always astonishes me a lot."

2016年7月10日 星期日

Modification 強化改造

If you have to face strong enemy, you will need some modifications... ;)

2016年6月27日 星期一

A Robotic Morning 機器人風格的早晨

"Wuwawawa~ Hey!" I awake from a deep sleep.
"Oh, dear, good morning." My honey greets me.
"Good morning, baby... Wow! Honey, you..."

"Hum? What's the problem?"
"Hey, even when your body is under maintenance, you still watch TV! ><"
"Oh, that's because I want to take good use of time."
"Well... If you say so, sigh~ Anyway, honey, where's my breakfast?"
"I can't move my body now, make it on your own."

2016年6月15日 星期三

Three Pieces 三件式女孩

    No need to explain ;)

2016年6月10日 星期五

2016年6月2日 星期四

Dismantled 拆解

Li-Hua was dismantled for maintenance. Meanwhile, she has the feeling that some one is licking her toes...

2016年5月14日 星期六

Dreaming Summer Night 仲夏夜之夢

    Paul is a big fan of robot girls. He wrote many stories about robot girls, and he published them on the internet. Some of his readers often contacted him and shared their thoughts about his stories to him. Among them, Maria is the most active one.


    Maria told Paul that she loved every Paul's stories. She discussed every detail of all of Paul's stories with Paul enthusiastically, just like she was the robot girl in each story. She also said that she was much moved by Paul's stories. One day, Maria told Paul that she wanted to come face to face with Paul out of the internet.


    Paul was so nervous. He went to the appointed place to wait Maria. Suddenly someone patted his shoulder. " Hi!" Paul saw a smiling attractive face when he turned back,"I am Maria. I am very glad to meet you, Paul."


    Maria was outgoing and friendly. She talked to to Paul cheerfully, and they enjoyed a wonderful afternoon. Paul found that his heart was captured by Maria's smile unconsciously. In the night, Maria invited Paul to come to her secret garden to view the beautiful night scene.


    In the garden, Maria thanked Paul for the day. Paul tried to tell Maria that he had fallen in love with her, but Maria stopped him. "Paul, I read all of your stories, and from those stories, I can feel that you are a kind man with a gentle heart, and you have no bad feeling about robots at all. Now, because I trust in you, so I will do one surprising thing. Please, don't be scared, and don't hurt me. Do you promise me?" Maria said seriously, and Paul saw her eyes were shining slightly.

    在花園裡,瑪莉亞謝謝保羅陪她這一天.保羅想趁機告白,旦瑪麗亞阻止他. "保羅,我讀過你全部的故事,我可以從中感受到你是個有著一顆溫柔的心的善良男生,而且你對機器人一點也沒有惡意和偏見.因為我相信你,現在我將要做一件奇怪的事,請你別太驚慌,也不要傷害我.你答應嗎?"瑪莉亞認真地說, 保羅看到她眼中泛著光芒.

    "I promise you, Maria." Paul answered. "Thank you. Well--" Maria held her head with her palms, then she pulled it up. "Paul, this is me, a true robot girl," Maria handed her detached head to Paul, "... and I want to ask, would you accept me like this?"

    "我答應妳,瑪莉亞."保羅回應. "謝謝.那麼...嘿--"瑪莉亞雙手托住臉頰,接著往上一拉. "保羅,這就是我,真的女機器人,"瑪莉亞把她剛拆下的頭遞給保羅, "...然後我想問,你--接受這樣的我嗎?"

Paul was so astonished, he held Maria's head shakily. "I--" Paul looked at Maria's face in his hands and said, "I... I love you! Wow! Even if you were not a robot girl , I still would love you. Now I love you more! Yahoo! What an amazing day!" Paul shouted for extreme joy.

    保羅非常震驚,他顫抖地拿著瑪莉亞的頭. "我--"保羅看著手中瑪莉亞的臉,接著說, "我...我愛妳啊!哇喔!就算妳不是機器女孩,我也愛著妳,更何況現在!哈哈!妳竟然還是女機器人!我超愛妳的!這是何等美妙的一天啊!"保羅因極度的喜悅而歡呼.

    "Paul, thank you, really thank you. I want to be your girlfriend, I can't love you more," tears flew down Maria's cheeks, " Oh, I want to hug you so deadly. See, there's my body. Would you put back my head on it? Let me to be assembled by you~ ><"

    "保羅,謝謝,真的太謝謝你.我好想當你的女朋友,我愛你愛到不能更愛你,"淚水流下瑪莉亞的臉龐, "噢,我真想緊緊抱著你.看,我的身體在那.你可以幫我把頭裝回去嗎?讓我被你組裝,我想成為被你組裝的機器女孩~ ><"

    Paul assembled his dearest girl carefully. They hugged each other tightly, and then they were dancing in the summer night.


2016年4月29日 星期五

Beautiful Artwork

"......Beautiful, way too beautiful." "......太美了,實在是太美了."
"What a beautiful artwork, isn't it, Yui?" "真是件美麗的藝術作品,對吧,由衣?"
"Yui? Why don't you answer me? Can't you appreciate such a beautiful thing?" "由衣?妳怎不回答我?難道妳沒辦法欣賞這麼美麗的事物?"
"...But dear master, that's just my body! Why do I must appreciate my own body without staying on it!?" "...但是我的好主人,那就是我的身體!我幹嘛非得待在自己身體外,去欣賞自己身體的美啊!?"

"Well, it's really your body, but it's also my creation. It's a masterpiece, both in areas of art and engineering." "是啊,那的確是妳的身體,但也是我的作品.真是件曠世巨作啊,不論從藝術還是科技來看...妳就和我一起好好地欣賞吧!"

2016年4月20日 星期三

Build Your Private Idol 打造你的專屬偶像

    Hoshimi is a famous idol. Being such a cute and vivid girl, she is very popular among youths. However, there is only one Hoshimi, but many guys love her. It means that none of her fans can truly get her love.

    Fortunately, Hoshimi's management company finally solved the problem by building and selling robot Hoshimi. You can bring your beloved Hoshimi home easily, just buy one.

    Your private Hoshimi is waiting for you.

2016年4月9日 星期六

Bad service 糟糕的服務

Fembot Liz goes to "Machine Doctor" Kelvin's place for maintenance.

"Welcome! Miss, I am glad to serve you."
"Hello, doctor. I am a robot, and I need you to maintain my body."
"It's my pleasure. Please wait me for completing my work, just a while. You can take off your clothes first."
"Er, I guess that I don't need to take off my clothes..."
"What? If you don't do it, how can I repair, or modify, or reform your body?"
"Well, I don't need myself to be repaired, modified, or reformed this time. I come here for routine body check and device software update. You have to disassemble me for the purpose, but you don't need to open my body up."
"I don't need to open your body up? Oh my, what a boring case!"
"Huh? Doctor?"
"Anyway, I will maintain your dull body. Business is business."
"My... my dull body~! >_<"
"Shut up and stand here."
"我...我的笨體... ><"

"...Hey doctor."
"What the?"
"Why do you treat my body parts this way?"
"What's wrong? I have done anything to your body which you asked me to do."
"But why don't you treat my parts more gently!? you threw my headless torso onto the table, pulled my wires out of my body so rudely, hung my right leg without support, stepped on the tiptoe of my left leg for standing it, and now even let me to hold my detached head on my own!"
"Haha, your boring body parts just mean machine pieces to me, and I treat them in the correct way for treating machines."
"Alas... Doctor, as a robot, I am really made up of machine pieces; but I am also a girl! A girl, A GIRL! You do hurt my feelings, what a bad service!"

2016年3月31日 星期四

Maintenance Or Repair? 維護或是修理?

Do you like which one? 你喜歡哪一種?

Maintenance 維護

Repair 修理

"Huh... It takes me a lot of effort to repair you. Do you feel better?"
"Oh, I can sense my body and move my limbs now! Thank you, little genius technician!"

2016年3月25日 星期五

She Is Still Here 她還在

    Lauren was Peter's robot girlfriend. They loved each other so deeply that they ever thought they enjoy their happiness forever. However, there is no eternal happiness in this world.

    Two years ago, the couple met a robber. The robber was going to shoot Peter, and Lauren jumped to Peter for protecting him. Lauren's head was shoot into pieces, and Peter was saved because of Lauren's sacrifice.

    Peter was astonished. He held Lauren's feeble headless body in his arms speechlessly and cried. Later he brought it... no, brought her home.

    Peter placed Lauren's body in their living room, just like she is still living there. Though Lauren's identity and mind were gone with her head, but Peter knows that her heart which drove Lauren to love Peter is inside her body.

    That's right, she is still here.

2016年3月11日 星期五

My Dear Robo-Mother 親愛的機器媽媽

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て

"Jessica! Don't play all day long! How about your homeworks?"
"Jessica! Be careful! Stop running around!!"
"Jessica! Put down your ice cream and eat vegetables!"
"Jessica! Don't force me to shout at you every time!"
"Jessica~~!!! Wow! I'm almost tired to be your mother! Jes---"
"潔西卡! 整天只知道玩! 妳的作業呢?"
"潔西卡! 小心點! 別跑來跑去!!"
"潔西卡! 放下冰淇淋,來吃蔬菜!"
"潔西卡! 別逼我每次都要吼妳!"
"潔西卡~~!!! 哇啊! 我再也受不了當妳媽了! 潔西---"

"Enough. Head computer, cease the function of being my mother."
"Great, then let Sophia hand you to me, head."
"夠了. 頭部電腦, 中止妳當我媽的功能."
"嗶-嗶嗶嗶-- 功能已中止, 潔西卡主人."
"好的, 接下來讓索菲亞把你遞給我, 頭部."

Jessica's parents died in an accident last year. Although she is a genius, Jessica is still also a kid and she really needs a mother. Finally Jessica created one for herself, the robot Sophia.

"Dear mother," Jessica embraces Sophia's head gently, "please don't be
 too harsh to me. I know you do that for my sake, but I'm still a kid >_<"
"親愛的媽媽," 潔西卡輕柔地把索菲亞的頭抱入懷中, "別對我太嚴厲嘛. 我知道妳是爲我好, 但我還只是個小孩 >_<"

"Jessica, I am the head computer but I access the heart in restricted mode temporarily.
 I am curious that why do you let me, your creation play the role as your mother?"
"潔西卡, 我是頭部電腦,但前可以暫時以限制模式存取我的心.我很好奇妳爲什麼讓我這妳製造出的成品,扮演妳母親的角色?"

"Hey, since you can access the heart, you're not just the computer, you are my mother Sophia now, at least the alternative Sophia. You are my mother, my dearest mother, it doesn't need any reason, Sophia."
"欸, 既然你可以存取心了, 就不該算作頭部電腦, 妳目前就是我媽媽索菲亞,至少也是不太一樣的索菲亞.妳是媽媽,我最親愛的媽媽,這不需要任何理由,索菲亞."

"Jessica... I am so glad that you still admit me as Sophia even in such mode... You are my master actually, but my heart pounds violently when I consider you as my daughter. Oh, is it disrespectful to you?"

"Of course not! You are my mother no matter whatever you think what you are!"

"Oh~ my dear, so... How about your homework, Jessica?"

"Wow, I am disciplined by you even when your head is in my hands. Amazing, hahahahaha~"

2016年3月1日 星期二

Me 我

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て

"Here's me, there's me, so what is me?
 I am here, I am there, I exist everywhere!"

2016年2月20日 星期六

Visitor 訪客

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド

メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
About robot high school girl Koshi, please read:

    Koshi ever had a robot friend named Takuya. Compared with Koshi, Takuya is much backward and low-end. He had envied at once, but Koshi never looked down him and always treated him sincerely, they became good friends.

    However, Takuya's owner didn't like him. She really didn't want to spend money on the maintenance of Takuya's body. Finally Takuya's original body was ruined, and his owner deformed him to be an ugly bot with his spare parts.

    Takuya was sad and depressed. He locked himself in his owner's house and didn't want to meet anyone, especially Koshi. Being robots, Koshi was way too perfect to him.

    One day, poor Takuya had a visitor. He opened the door unwillingly--

"Hello... Wow! What the hell...Koshi!?"
"Hi, Takuya! How have you been doing recently? I miss you so much! X3"
"Ouch! Hey, don't jump on me, okay? And what's up with you... and your body?"
"Hum? Oh, you mean it?"
"嗨,拓也!你最近過得怎樣?我好想你喔! X3"

"Haha, I want to look things in a new angle, so I moved my head to this vehicle. Takuya, you see, we are so similar!"
"Er, I... Well, I get it, you are showing your sympathy for me, right?"
"No, Takuya. I just want to look you horizontally. Aren't we friends? Now let's play together!"
"Enough! Don't play good, you still have your perfect body, and you can return to it to be a wonderful robot girl anytime!"
"You say this? (click a button) Dalalala!!"
"Oh my... You take your body into pieces!?"
"Hee, that's right! Now the perfect body you said becomes a pile of spare parts, and I am truly a funny small bot now! Will you accept this me to be your friend?"
"Koshi... You are really... really a fool, a gentle fool..."
"小石...QQ 妳真的是...真的是個傻瓜,超級溫柔的傻瓜... ><"

2016年1月31日 星期日

Self Modification 自我改造

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Fembot Jennifer's master sent his robot fighters into the challenge, and he lost in every game. All of his robots were destroyed, and he would be bankrupt very soon.

    Jennifer couldn't endure her master's suffering, she didn't want to just look at her painful master without doing anything. Though she wasn't a fighting robot, she wanted to join the challenge and earn money for her master.

    Jennifer decided to modify her own body. She collected spare parts and components from those destroyed fighting robots and tried to equip them on her body. Jennifer severed her legs and arms, connected severed limbs with agile joints, replaced her soft hand with a steel fist, removed her delicate neck skin and hardened the connection between her head and body with metal tubes and protected wires, threw away her cute hip and attched her legs and upper half on a powerful buttock, and so on. She would sacrifice herself for her master.

2016年1月24日 星期日

Are You Satisfied? 你滿意了嗎?

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Lina has her stalker recently. He was fascinated by Lina's beautiful but cool face, and he wrote a letter for Lina. In the letter, he confessed his love to Lina and requested to see Lina's naked body. Lina replied to him with a photo and words:

    "Well, I'm totally naked. Are you satisfied?"

    In the night, somebody heard that someone was  crying out tremendously loudly:

    "OOOOOH!NO~~~!!! Lina, you're my idol, my angel! How could you be such an ugly and disgusting metal monster!"


    Lina: "It's great to me that if the stalker doesn't like me anymore. Metal monster? Bravo! I really want him to feel sick about me, hmm... But metal monster... Well... (depressed) Is my body that disgusting?... Orz"

2016年1月17日 星期日

Accident 事故

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Fembot Hikari usually acts like a tomboy, and she merely dresses up herself. However, Hikari is planing to go out with her dearest master today, and she views it as a date. Hikari wears her cutest one-piece dress, she wants her master just have eyes on her. Hikari also wears her most girlish pair of sandals, she thinks that sandals will make her look chic and sweet.

    Later, Hikari gets herself prepared and walks down the stairs. Unfortunately, Hikari isn't used to walk with girlish sandals. She falls head first down the stairs into pieces.

    Hikari's master hears her scream. He comes and pick up Hikari's fine dressed body parts. He brings his pieced silly robot back to his lab and tries to repair her.

    Hikari looks at her broken body parts, and she sighs. Her "best looking self" now sounds like a bad joke to her. Hikiri sees the girlish on her feet, and she feels that they are laughing at her...

2016年1月4日 星期一

Honmuda Robot Lab 轟姆田機器人實驗室

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
They are doing walk-testing on that fembot's legs. 實驗室正進行機娘下肢步行試驗.