2016年4月29日 星期五

Beautiful Artwork

"......Beautiful, way too beautiful." "......太美了,實在是太美了."
"What a beautiful artwork, isn't it, Yui?" "真是件美麗的藝術作品,對吧,由衣?"
"Yui? Why don't you answer me? Can't you appreciate such a beautiful thing?" "由衣?妳怎不回答我?難道妳沒辦法欣賞這麼美麗的事物?"
"...But dear master, that's just my body! Why do I must appreciate my own body without staying on it!?" "...但是我的好主人,那就是我的身體!我幹嘛非得待在自己身體外,去欣賞自己身體的美啊!?"

"Well, it's really your body, but it's also my creation. It's a masterpiece, both in areas of art and engineering." "是啊,那的確是妳的身體,但也是我的作品.真是件曠世巨作啊,不論從藝術還是科技來看...妳就和我一起好好地欣賞吧!"

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