2014年6月20日 星期五

Small Engineer Team


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド

メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Xin-Hue has some "small friends". When her body gets in trouble, they will come to fix her.
However, Xin-Hue seems not like them very much...

"不...不要看我>_< 嗚嗚,好丟臉唷..."

2014年6月19日 星期四

Robotic Love


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Sabina is my goddess.

    To be the prettiest and smartest one of my classmates, she never looks down on me. She is always kind to me...well, and other people. But I think that I am special, since we have something in common. In our class, only she and I can share things inside our mind in a particular and more direct way.
    即使她是同學中最美最聰明的那個女孩,莎賓娜也從不會瞧不起我.她一直對我非常好...好吧,對其他人也很好.不過我覺得我是特別的,因為存在著只有我和莎賓娜具有的共通點. 在班上,只有莎賓娜和我能以特別和更直接的方式,分享我們心中的事物.沒錯,我對莎賓娜一定是特別的!

    When she suggested to share her thought with me; when she opened my panel with a cute smile; when she touched my heart with her warm hands...oh! How can I avoid to fall in love with my dear Sabina!

    Sabina...Sabina...Do you know how much do I love you? No matter whatever happens, today I will let you accept my love for you...


    "Freeze!! You dirty tin man! What are you trying to do to Sabina?"

    "Shit! You detached Sabina's head! Sabina is our idol, how dare you are!"

    "Shut up! You are just a piece of metal junk! Although Sabina is an android, she is the most lovely one!"

    "Oh no, no way~! Stop,damn you! Sabina looks so suffering! Take this!(fire)"

2014年6月18日 星期三

Carrying Her Own Body Parts


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    One day, robot Su-Fei's master asked her to do him a favor. He let Su-Fei to go to the underground ware room to bring something to him. Su-Fei used to be a simple-minded robot, however this time when she saw that thing mentioned by her master, some complicated thoughts struck her electronic brain--


2014年6月17日 星期二

Girl & Robot 女孩與機器人

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    A girl and a robot decide to exchange their heads. The girl now is feeling the digital signals transmitted into her, and the robot is being surprised of the feeling from the girl's soft and warm body. They can't distinguish who is the girl, and ho is the robot...

2014年6月16日 星期一

Dance Party


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    "Fair lady, may I have this dance with you?"
    "Oh, sure, it's my honor! But I don't know the steps, please wait for me to download."

    The lady took off her head and plugged it into an electronic pedestal to access the internet.

    "I will search for it, just a moment."
    "Unnecessary, my lady."

    That man smiled. He held the lady's waist, and took her headless body to dance.

    The lady was slightly surprised. Her electronic brain had no extra computing time to control her body. She could only watch her body dancing with that man.

    "Isn't it romantic, my lady?"

    The man kissed the lady's neck. The lady's shoulders trembled because of her emotion.

2014年6月15日 星期日

Innocent commercial espionage 03


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    However, Bill Doors already found the secret about Weiwei. He told it to the Marcosoft, and Marcosoft prepared a trap for Weiwei-- precisely, the mechanical spy inside Weiwei. When it came out, technicians of Macrosoft isolated Weiwei immediately. Then they dismantled those "evil devices" from Weiwei carefully to prevent to reacall Weiwei's consciousness-- Bill still loves Weiwei, he didn't want to hurt her. Technicians separated Weiwei's mind into several blocks, they shut down the function to doubt of Weiwei's electronic brain and kept Weiwei always to regard herself as a human girl no matter what happened to her.
    然而比爾多茲早就發現葳葳身體的秘密.他之前通知了巨軟公司,巨軟公司便準備了對付葳葳(準確的說, 對付葳葳體內的機器間諜)的陷阱.當機器間諜鑽出來時,巨軟派來的技師馬上將葳葳電磁隔離了.葳葳的間諜系統斷訊,即使認知了當下狀況,也收不到橘子電腦的行動指令,只能僵在那裡,任由巨軟宰割.巨軟的人在不重啟葳葳人格意識之下,小心翼翼地拆除了葳葳身上那些'邪惡"的裝置--畢竟比爾真的喜歡葳葳,不希望讓她受傷害.技師們成功地把葳葳的心智區隔成幾個區塊,並關掉其中會讓葳葳電子腦產生懷疑功能的部份,讓葳葳永遠認為自己是人類女孩,不管看到的現實是如何.

    Finally Weiwei awoke...
    "Huh, Bill?"





2014年6月14日 星期六

Innocent commercial espionage 02


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Orange Computer has a big rival, Macrosoft. The CEO of Macrosoft has a son, named Bill Doors, is attending the college. Orange Computer made Weiwei and sent her to the same college with Bill's to seduce Bill-- Weiwei was created just like Bill's former dead lover. Orange Computer monitored Weiwei's mind and guided Weiwei to cotton to Bill, soon Bill started to date Weiwei. Weiwei didn't find that her heart was manipulated.

    One day Bill invited Weiwei to his home. Weiwei was so happy about it, she never knew what would happen to her...



2014年6月13日 星期五

Innocent Commercial Espionage 01


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Weiwei is a lovely girl. Because of her appearance and vitality, she's very popular in her college. She also has many wooers. However, Weiwei has a secret of herself-- she is not a human girl. In fact, she is a hi-tech fembot built by a multinational enterprise, Orange Computer. Weiwei knows nothing about that, she is just enjoying her colorful school days under the Orange Computer's monitoring in the dark...

2014年6月12日 星期四

Artificial Idol (2)

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Here's the head's experience.

---Several days later---

    "Wake up, my Efril."
    "Err? What happens? You are that guy who stole my head."
    "Haha, I am Justin, a big fan of you. I brought you here and assembled you to a new body. I'm always crazy for you, finally my dreams can come true-- let you be my private idol."

    "Well, the heart you assembled to me makes me feel happy for you, but I am not that Efril you loved without my original heart."
    "Hey! Who could bring your body then run away? That's a pity, but I can't help it. Besides, your new heart comes from my cherished fembot, Jina..."
    "So actually I am Jina? My identity goes with my main computer, but it's Jina's heart which can feel and decides my action."
    "Oh, that's...that's..."

    "Jina was designed to be obedient to her master. She would view her master's pleasure as her meaning of existence. I am Jina, although I am sad about you to forsake my head, which had my ego inside and served you with full heart; however, I am also happy for getting Efril, your idol's head to pleasure you..."
    "Shut up! Stop saying foolish words! You are Efril, my dear Efril, not Jina! Don't hurt my feelings anymore, ok?"
"So I am still Efril? Even the heart belongs to Jina?"
"Yes you are Efril! Now the heart belongs to Efril, not Jina! Understand?"
"I get it, thanks, Justin."
"Huh, I am tired, let's take a rest, good night."

---Next morning---

    "Good morning, my former master."
    "Efril! What are you donig? Why did you bind me?"
    "Such you stole my master's head, I will send you to the jail."
    "What the hell? I am your master! Release me!"
    "You forget? you said the heart here belongs to Efril, so she is my new master."
    "What are you speaking?"

    "It's Jina's head had the data to set Jina's heart acknowledge you as her master, but it's gone. Now the acknowledgement was made by data from Efril's head-- though I know you had the ownership, but you transferred it to Efril last night."
    "But you are Efril, I am confused."

    "Jina's heart was made to do things to make her master happy, since the master is Efril, I shall make Efril's heart feel happy. Furthermore, now my master is headless Efril! Fortunately, Efril's head is here so that can tell my heart how to make Efril happy."

    "Ha..haha...Crazy, that's too crazy. Even Efril's head do not have will, she still can persuade my property to against me. Congratulations, you have won the game, wahahahaha! At least, knowing my idol is not only a pretty robot doll but also smart and good at thinking lets me love you more. Efril, you are truly a super idol!"

2014年6月11日 星期三

Artificial Idol (1)


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Famous robot idol Efril's head was stolen in the backstage. She put her head on EXV-219 maintainer for detailed condition checking, but soon it was pulled out then taken away.

    Because it happened all of a sudden, the remote connection between her body and head was forced to cut off without regular process. That made her heart works totally in a mass and can't be shut down-- it still generated emotions but her ego was gone...

    Her manager is trying to find some way to preserve her heart(emotion generator) as well as he can. After all, the unreproducible electric heart determines the temperament of a robot idol, which makes her popular.
    她的經紀人還在找能儘量保持艾菲心(情緒產生裝置)的狀態的方法. 畢竟能產生讓機器偶像艾菲受到歡迎的氣質的電子心,是由艾菲經歷的一切所塑造的,沒辦法重製...

Efril's manager supported and led her body to leave

2014年6月10日 星期二

Super Star


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Super star Shi-Jia is stepping out of a club. She has some problem with her neck. Her head was taken off, and she can only maintain finite communication between her body and head.

    "Wel..well, not a big troubbbbbbble. Call myyyy assistant Ming-Hong," she speaks hardly because her heart must wait seconds for the transmission of thought generated from her electronic brain.

    Her assistant Ming-Hong comes in. He is Shi-Jia's former lover. However, Ming-Hong was bought away before Shi-Jia became a super star. His brain was reset to make him to love his owner. When Shi-Jia had enough money and personal identity (because of her excellent contribution to the culture, the administration recognized her to be a natural person-- although somebody criticized that the government did it to seize votes of Shi-Jia's fans), she bought back Ming-Hong but removed his head. Shi-Jia modified Ming-Hong to be her personal assistant, body guard and maintenance staff.

    Ming-Hong holds Shi-Jia's head and stretches his right hand into Shi-Jia's torso from the hatch on her back. He tries to reconstruct the connection of Shi-Jia's parts through his system, and he receives Shi-Jia's order and then commands Shi-Jia's body to act.

    "Oh Ming-Hong, even in such situation, only you that is permitted to control me...and own me," Shi-Jia thinks."You're my property, but I am also yours, do you know? No, you won't."

2014年6月9日 星期一

When Cinderella becomes a Princess


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Fembot Ryoko is watching her new body happily. It was given by her new owner.

    "Oh~ Such a body. Sexy, beautiful, and high-performance. Even with an advanced computer inside,"
Ryoko thinks, "Ha, that means my new body is even smarter than me... Do I worth it?"

    Ryoko was once a uncompleted robot with rubbish body. Her former owner made her just as a replacement for the girl he loves-- and when he got that girl, he viewed Ryoko as a burden.

    Fortunately, Ryoko got her destined new master. She is enjoying her new life now.

2014年6月8日 星期日

Campus Queen


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Jerry bought a fembot's damaged head from the flea market and remade that head into a small bot. However, the bot didn't speak any words and always pulled a face. Jerry spent a lot of time to communicate with her and treat her with full heart. Finally, the bot smiled and start to talk. As time went by, Jerry had more and more fun to stay with her day by day.

    One day, Laura (the fembot's name) asked Jerry a question.
    "Jerry, you treat me such kindly. Will you be nice to me forever?"
    "Hum? Sure I will. You don't know how much joy you brought to me. I appreciate you deeply."
    "Oh...So touching. Dear Jerry, I think I can entrust all of myself to you. Please come with me."

    Laura led Jerry to an abandoned plant. Jerry found a hanged headless female torso,and a pair of broken legs.

    "Wow,what's that? Trashed fembot's body?" Jerry asked.
    "Hey! Those are not trash! They are parts of my body!"
    "Your body parts?"
    "Yes! Also as the most popular campus queen's body, the body of Laura Lee!"

    "Laura Lee? That Laura Lee? Wow,really? You are the legendary idol of my university? Unbelievable! Wow! But why did you lose your body? May I ask what had happened to you?"
    "Right, I am that Laura. Since I was elected as the campus queen, some classmates hated me more.They thought it's unfair for a robot to compete with human girls in appearances. Soon they took me here and dismantled me, some of they even were my friends..." Laura said sadly.
    "勞拉.李?是那個勞拉.李?哇~真的呀,妳是我大學中那位傳說的校園偶像?真不敢相信,大家的女神一直在我身邊!哇哈哈哈... 但是妳怎麼會失去身體呢?我可以問發生了什麼事嗎?"

    "Oh, I feel so sorry. I don't think you just beat them in appearances. Your charm is from your heart, I know. You are the true queen!"
    "Haha, thank you, Jerry. You are kind and sweet, that's why do I want to give all of me to you. Shall you repair and reassemble Laura Lee?"
    "Assemble Laura Lee! Wow, assemble the girl of my dream by my hands! I am going to die for the great happiness! If you permit, I will assemble Laura Lee 100,1000,10000 times!"

2014年6月7日 星期六

Place Your Love Here


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Midori is a robot office lady, and she loved her colleague, Tanaga. However, she was too shy to her love, and she didn't know that Tanaga would like to date a robot or not.

    One day, Midori had an idea. She bought a small bot and refitted her own body with it to let the bot can "drive" her. Then Midori downloaded a program named "LoveMessenger.exe" from the web. She installed it on the small bot, then let that bot drive her body to go to show her love to Tanaga. If Tanaga accepted her love, as well as her robotic body, Midori would let her body lead Tanaga to her(head).

    However, she made a big mistake--


    With the monotone laugh, Midori was totally astonished...

2014年6月6日 星期五

When I Get Home My Wife Always Pretends To Be Malfunctioned (D)

每天當我回家時,老婆總是會故障 (D)

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て

    However, after marriage, the husband got a promotion and became busy at work. Little by little, he started to ignore the wife's feeling and didn't maintain her body with his own hands every time. Later, when the wife felt that something went wrong with her mechanical body, she had to dismantle herself and repair her own parts. Would the wife feel sad and lonely? Was she helpless if she made mistake when reassembling her body parts? Thinking about this, the husband feels guilty about his dearest wife. He broke the most sacred promise to his love...






    This is the final episode. The husband found the reason why his wife pretended to be malfunctioned. He  introspected himself and felt so sorry about that. He swore to his heart that he will cherish the intrinsic property of his wife as a robot and treasure each part of her body as heartily as he can. After all, isn't it also a form of love to repair and to be repaired?




Character Setting 角色設定




2014年6月5日 星期四

When I Get Home My Wife Always Pretends To Be Malfunctioned (C)

每天當我回家時,老婆總是會故障 (C)

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て

    The husband began to recall how did he pursue his future wife in episode 7. In those days, the wife was embarrassed to disclose her reality of her machine body to others. When the husband had the chance to repair his future wife the first time, he was so nervous, touched and satisfied. He knew it's because of the wife's trust in him so that she was willing to expose her inner parts of her body to him. Then, how could he fell troubled to fix the malfunction of his wife nowaday?








    In episode 8 the husband continues to think back. Once when the couple went on a date in seaside before marriage all night, they feasted on the ambiance of love. Till dawn, the raising sun was shining on the wife's face. The husband was so moved because of such a beautiful scene. Suddenly, the wife stopped smiling and became serious. She said that she finally could be relieved to commit herself to the husband's care. After the husband showed his determination, the wife pull her head off and handed it to the husband. Holding his lover's most important part, the husband softly kissed the wife's rose cheek and swore to treasure her all his life.




2014年6月4日 星期三

When I Get Home My Wife Always Pretends To Be Malfunctioned (B)

每天當我回家時,老婆總是會故障 (B)

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て

    Another malfunction occurred in episode 4. The husband saw a separated round hip drifting over his eyesight with some circuits stretched out from it--- his wife's body parts were floating around in the living room. She said since she's also a robot, she wanted to try the "body combination" act as those giant fighting robots usually do it...







    The husband was most scared in episode 5. The wife got a violin and wanted to play it well. As a robot, she didn't try to learn it hard and used the cheat codes. She installed a famous violinist's personality simulation program into her system. However, she messed the violinist up with another shy politician (their names are similar)...










    Episode 6 is a summary. The husband thinks that's so strange: his wife's body is such advanced and delicate, every component of his wife has it's unique complicated structure and function. However, his wife doesn't seem to treat her body very carefully. She usually takes normal electric spare parts bought from the shop to replace similar counter parts of her body. The inner structure of the wife often changed or modified. He doesn't know that his wife is a "fine machine" or a "tough machine"...





2014年6月3日 星期二

When I Get Home My Wife Always Pretends To Be Malfunctioned (A)
每天當我回家時,老婆總是會故障 (A)

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    I will post a new series. This series was inspired by the Hatsune Miku's famous PV, named,"When I Get Home My Wife Always Pretends to Be Dead". You can see this PV on youtube:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcP9HSa9lk4 (English sub)

    However, my new series was created in Chinese. My English ability is not good enough to translate it completely. I will introduce each episode briefly.

    The first episode is an opening remarks. It describes the husband saw that his wife's neck was broken when he came home. He said,"Holy cow, how do you get malfunctioned again!"





    The second episode describes the wife gradually awoke after her husband took away the screwdriver stuck into her neck cross section. He put her head on an instrument to check and recover it. The wife felt sweetly when she was watching lover repairing her body.





    In the third episode, the husband recalled another malfunction of his wife. When he came home, he found his wife sitting on the floor and shouting that her stomach aches.
    "However, why does my wife wear fishnet hosiery and high heels as her malfunction goes?" the husband was confused...





2014年6月2日 星期一

Manami And Her Friends 愛菜美與朋友

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Besides classmates, Manami also treats her friends full-heartedly, no matter they are human or robotic ones. She always tries her best to fulfill their requests, even if she doesn't like to do that.

Manami & NR-92(Tom) 愛菜美與湯姆

    NR-92 is a type of mass-production robots. They don't have advanced AI by original design, but some owners modify their NR-92 with self-made AI, and Tom is one of those modified NR-92. He(Tom owns a male AI) likes to dance, but his legs can't move dexterously. Tom often asks Manami for borrowing her legs. Though Manami doesn't like to lend her body parts to male ones, she usually will agree to Tom--


Manami & Takuya 愛菜美與拓也

    Being full-hearted for friends is not a bad thing in general, but sometimes it may cause you a big trouble if you are not aware of the risk. Once Manami had experienced her saddest day because of that.

    Takuya is one of Manami's neighbors, he is a geek fascinated by robots. Because he often visit Manami's family, so he got to know the fact of Manami, and Manami understood that. Takuya acted very politely, so Manami trusted him.

    One day, Takuya requested Manami to do him a favor. He said that he wanted to take photos of robots which are under repairing in his house for art. However, when Manami was dismantled, Takuya deactivated her mobility. He interfered in Manami's internal communication of her body, intercepted messages and signals generated by Manami's components and processors, reverse-compiled Manami's system programs to get data from her software. That was the first time that Manami understood she is not really a girl completely; all of her were fake and man-made, her mind and spirit could be accessed, even changed. She was totally terrified of herself.

    Finally Manami's father Shiro found where she was by tracking her radio characteristic marks. He knocked down Takuya and retrieved all Manami's pieces. This event became Manami's worst memory, but it won't stop Manami to treat her friends as well as she can, because that's the only way for her to verify that her heart is a true one!

2014年6月1日 星期日

Manami And Her Classmates 愛菜美與同學

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Usually Manami doesn't like to let her classmates know she is a fembot. She feels a bit uncomfortable about her abnormal nature. However, as times goes by, more and more people know her truth in school, and Manami looses her awareness gradually day by day.

Mnami & Haruka 愛菜美與春香

    Manami went to the extra-curriculum teaching of her high school class. When they were dismissed, her classmate, Haruka, invited Manami to go shopping. Manimi agreed, but she said she had to come back her room first. Haruka wondered what did Manami have to do, so she stalked Manimi and hid behind the window for observing her--





Manami & Haruhi 愛菜美與春日

    Requested by one of her best friend Hauhi, the leader of the robot club in school, Manami agreed to let her own body be researched unwillingly. Her head was taken off, and Haruhi inserted wires and devices into her head and neck to get signals transmitted between her body parts. Manami is a young girl whatever anything she as made to be after all, she would be shy to reveal her internal reality to others-- that's why she covered up her neck with a "smiling face"...

2014年5月31日 星期六

Through The Barrier Between 2D & 3D!


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Mark met cute virtual girl Haruka in the Cyber Space. He fell in love immediately and promised to get Haruka to come to the real world and live with him. Then he downloaded Haruka and tried to build a body for Haruka. However, Mark didn't have enough money to buy whole body parts of a fembot, so---


2014年5月30日 星期五

Robotic Angel


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    "Dear, please choose which me that you want me to be, I will become your lovely angel!"

    The gem attached to Xin-Fang's neck is a device that used to determine the mode of emotion-generating done by Xin-Fang's heart. Xin-Fang can't have any emotion (so that she also won't have any motive to act) if there is no gem on her neck. Furthermore, Xin-Fang has several different gems-- that means her lover can enjoy the feeling similar to having several girl friends!
    附著在機娘欣芳頸部的寶石,其實是用來決定她電子內心的情緒產生模式的晶片.如果欣芳脖子沒有裝上寶石晶片,她不會有任何心情,也就沒有動機了.欣芳甚至擁有多組寶石晶片 (和部份頸部外皮構成模組),這讓她的愛人可以藉由幫欣芳更換情緒模式,享受著類似擁有多個女朋友的齊人之福!

    Xin-Fang loves the gem system of herself, too. At the moment when one of her gems being put on her neck, she feels just like her soul is coming back. Xin-Fang believes each gems of her has a fragment of her soul.

2014年5月29日 星期四

Chubby Bot Xiao-Fei III
我的可愛肉肉機娘 III

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
Episode 4 第四話

---------------------11:38 pm---------------------
---------------------當夜 11點38分---------------------

    I decided to go to the place that Xiao-Fei told me. At that coordinate, I see a huge tree, and a crowbar left by someone. Noise comes from the trunk, and I find a seam on it. I think it's a door and use the crowbar to jimmy open it. I get into the tree, then I see... WOW! GOD DAMNED IT!

    Horrible, too horrible. My dear Xiao-Fei's head was removed, a metallic snake-like monster snakes into her headless body. Her thick but cute left leg had been detached and hanged onto the roof, and her head was settled on a disgusting device, carried by a strange reptilian bot. When I come in, Xiao-Fei looks at me with helpless expression in her eyes. There also exists a few other freak bots.

    ......Oh shit, SHIIIIIIT! My beloved girl is a ROBOT; further, she is suffering humiliation to be treated as pieces of electronic junk! Her body... how could those shitty bots play with Xiao-Fei's treasurable body like this... No! No way! You bastards! Stop insulting every parts of Xiao-Fei! Don't insert your sick cables into her head, torso and leg! It's unacceptable for you despicable beings to access software of the constituents of Xiao-Fei!

    I'm shocked, then step toward Xiao-Fei's body parts. Although I almost go mad, I still remember to try my best to rescue Xiao-Fei. I pinch the calf of her left leg (how bouncy it is!), then unhook it gently. Next I pull out that "snake" from her torso and disconnect junctions of it's wires connected with Xiao-Fei's circuits carefully. After that, a unflawed angelic body is sitting in front of me. I kiss her headless neck softly, and my heart has been melted. Last I turn to deal with her head. I destroy that four-footed bot, but temporarily keep the disgusting device with her head. When I try to do anything to Xiao-Fei's components, I will look at her face first to observe her state. Finally I have "cleaned up" all of her three parts and take them back to my home. I let Xiao-Fei's body lay on my back, set her hands to hold her own left leg in front of me. When I grab her head in my hands, I swear that I will reassemble my sweetheart one day no matter how difficult it is! I won't forget the weight and warmness born in my shoulders right now forever!

Finale 終章

    After struggling for months, I have successfully reassembled my beloved baby now. Every component of Xiao-Fei is working well, and her system, software and electronic brain are properly connected and communicating. Her heart and mind are completely integrated, those sick influences done by aliens to forcibly separate her ego and let them impede each other are cleaned up (see what they did to my poor Xiao-Fei! ). All things of Xiao-Fei are totally unified.

    During the process, Xiao-Fei also had taught me a lot about herself. Those alien bots have different authorities about Xiao-Fei's systems, devices and body parts. I caught those bots and made them to fix and modify Xiao-Fei's parts, and transfer some authorities of Xiao-Fei to me (as Xiao-Fei's wish). I really, really enjoyed the process. With her own help, I got my Goddess bit by bit. I was so excited by the thought that a wonderful and mighty lady will be transformed to be my private robot girl. I also had compunction about that thought, especially Xiao-Fei is my lover. Maybe I am selfish, or even I'm a pervert, dunno... At least, Xiao-Fei was willing to give herself to me. Even I have dirty idea with Xiao-Fei, it can't taint her nobleness. I am grateful to her kindness to donate herself to shine my vile life. Am I worth to possess Xiao-Fei? The answer is...alas...

    Anyway, it's time to re-meet my angel-- a whole angel, not just some spare parts of the angel! Xiao-Fei, I pray to you, please bless me that I am the right guy to possess you!

2014年5月28日 星期三

Chubby Bot Xiao-Fei II
我的可愛肉肉機娘 II

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
Episode 2 第二話

    It let me recall the school carnival last year. Xiao-Fei performed a specical single drama-- well, at least I didn't find another actor on the cast. In that show, she split herself into two. One had the head and was connected to the legs with a machine; another one had the torso with lifelike metallic things stretched out of cross-sections. Xiao-Fei had a dialogue with herself on the stage, she wanted to find the answer of the arcane question "What am I?" behind the conflict of selves. Finally, the head one hugged the torso one, but they still couldn't reconstruct the identity. They dismantled each one gently and sadly. After those foreign matters were all torn off, Xiao-Fei's original body parts were scattering on the stage. The show was way too shocking, and nobody knew how Xiao-Fei did that.

    After the show, Xiao-Fei cried her heart out. She said that it's painful to be robot if your ego doesn't belong to yourself.

    "But you are not a robot," I said," and no bot will have such a genius mind and sensitive soul like yours."
    "How do you know that?" she replied.
    Haha, just as expected, she is really a weirdo, a weirdo I love...

    Later on Xiao-Fei was absent for a week. She said that was because of the punishment for her overdone deed. Who has the right to punish her? She didn't want to explain that too much.

Episode 3 第三話

    Recently I heard some of Xiao-Fei's murmurs--
    "Ridiculous, I don't have permission to access my own body now...Gosh."
    "I am not owned by myself after all. Cleaver? Wise? Elegant? Ha, what a joke. Even my mind is not mine."
    "Well. If I was set to be banned to contact my components, then I shall find a way to make my body forced to be opened by occasional events..."
    Well, what did she mean? Those contents are metaphysics for me.

---------------------Several days later---------------------

    "A-So! A triumph!" Xiao-Fei walks toward me with a wide smile, "See!"
    "Eh? What are you...Wow!"
    Xiao-Fei fingers scars on her neck and thigh to me, "Hehehe, I made it!"

    "You made it? What a fetish... But those scars appear somehow strange..." I try to watch them distinctly.
    "Hey! Don't be too close!" Xiao-Fei covers her scars again, " That will be a sexual harassment!"
    "Well, I stand back, all right?"
    "A-So, I have a request. Would you help me? I can only count on you!"
    "Sure, I will do anything you need me to do."
    "Thank you a lot... Can you come to here tonight?" She hands a scrap of paper to me.
    "What? 25.xxxxxx, 121.xxxxxx?"
    "GPS you know," she winks at me, "See you tonight!"
    ......She is really freak, right?
    "這啥?25.xxxxxx, 121.xxxxxx?"

2014年5月27日 星期二

Chubby Bot Xiao-Fei Part I
我的可愛肉肉機娘 I

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
Prelude 序章

    My angel is staring at me. I know she is angry.

    "Well well well, dear A-So, my honorable master..." She speaks, "Now you own me. As your property, you can do what you want to do with my body, I know."
    "My dear, I have tried my best. I admit I am not that capable..." I explain.

    My angel doesn't stop her complaining: "You have the right to treat my components as your wish-- oh, or you even can make those components out of me, make them to be not parts of fembot Xiao-Fei anymore. you can play with those things all day."
    我的天使沒有停止抱怨: "你有權如你所願地處置我的組成部件-- 喔,你甚至可以把這些部件從我身上拿走,讓它們不再屬於我,女機器人小肥.你高興的話,要玩弄那些部件一整天,也沒差."

   "But it you want to have Xiao-Fei to be your fembot, try your best to learn about her body and reassemble her as soon as possible, okay? I can't live with you while being pieces!"

    Oh my... I think I'd better work more hard on her. She's really my burden, my sweetest burden...

Episode 1 第一話

    Xiao-Fei is the smartest and most charming girl in my school-- despite that she is a bit fatty...No! She's not fat by any means! That's chubby, not fat! Not...fu--fu--(panting)

    Okay, let me take a break. I was too overreacted, haha. Anyway, back to the topic. Although Xiao-Fei is such wonderful, she is...err, slightly strange. No one knows what is in her mind. For example, one day--

    Today is a sunny day, and I'm going to see my cute Xiao-Fei~
    "Hi, Xiao-Fei, good after... Wow! Wha...what's that!?"

    "A-So! Welcome! You mention this? It's my newly-made robot. Not bad, right?"
    "But...it looks just exactly the same with you..."

    "Sure, I am making mini-me. I want to use mini-me to assist me to explore the reality of my being. It's not completed yet." (See! What a smart weirdo she is! She even can build a fine bot by herself!)
    "Oh, philosophical issue with modern hi-tech, I see I see,hahaha... But you aren't a robot, how can mini-XiaoFei help you?"
    "這樣喔.好高科技的哲學議題,了解了,哈哈...不過妳又不是機器人, 迷你小肥又怎能幫妳探索自我?"

    "I'm not a robot? Hehe, not necessarily so. How can you make sure of it? No one knows his or her self thoroughly. What m I? I don't know..."

    That day, she said that thoughtfully and a bit sadly, I don't know why. Mini-XiaoFei's lower half was made, it walked around the room ceaselessly... (to be continued)

2014年5月26日 星期一

Cheongsam Girl


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    One day, I walked on the street. Soon I saw a charming girl dressed in cheongsam squatting down on the ground.

    "Hello," I said. "What's up with you?"
    The girl stared at me like a helpless kitty, "Good morning, sir. I broke my left ankle when I tried to rescue a little cat..."
    "Oh, you are such a kind girl. Please let me help you. Can I carry you on my back and take you to your home?"

    "Thank you,sir.But..." She showed her broken ankle to me. "As you see,I am a robot. It's not proper to let human like you to serve me..."
    I steped to her and grabbed her broken ankle. "Ah..." She murmured.
    "See, your transmission shaft was damaged," I said. "I already knew what you are. But who cares? You need my help, that's all."

    I removed the cap of ankle joint, then detached the left foot. "Ouch..." She looks a bit confused and embarrassed.
    "As the damaged part of you was removed, You shall feel better," I explained as handing her the feet. "Okay! Now let's come home!"
    She held her left feet with both hands, and smiled to me. "I am moved, sir. You are so gentle. If I am a real girl, I will marry you definitely!"

2014年5月25日 星期日

Fembot Cosplayers


機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    People who have the same interesting usually will tend to help each other. That will also be true even for robots.

    One day a female robot cosplayer found that the battery of her body faulted when she was dressing her detached head. She exchanged with a new one, but she didn't want to leave the site to charge it. When she was bothering, another heroic fembot cosplayer appeared. She suggested that the pink one could take electricity from her own body.

    "Oh~ I can feel it, your hot current is flowing into me. My body is supported by your body. You are so cool and manly! "

    "Er, well. But I think I'm a female... Hahaha... "
With their heads 有頭版XD

2014年5月24日 星期六

Manami's First Date 03
愛菜美的第一次約會 第三話

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Today is the most frustrating day of my life.

    Due to worrying about Manami's health, I followed her father's car to their home. Strangely, Manami's father didn't take her to the hospital; instead of that, he held Manami to the basement. How could he treat Manami's sick adequately over there? I only heard her father's scolds and noises like generated by electric screwdrivers. After her father left the basement, I sneaked into it. Then...oh my... I was shocked such deeply...



    我躡近地下室,聽到們中傳來類似電動起子的聲音,以及榎爸的叼叼唸.他好像在抱怨愛菜美,說不該亂喝飲料;真對不起啊,您女兒喝的那杯咖啡是我請的... :notworthy: 後來還有說他得打開愛菜美的身體徹底檢查之類的話.這就詭異了,打開?難道是要動手術?不會吧,只是一杯咖啡而已...何況榎爸爸是機械學家,又不是醫生,真搞不懂.














