2018年9月28日 星期五

My Cutest Sister (07) 我最可愛的妹妹 (07)

Precious episode 前一話:
First episode 第一話:

Recently, I feel that which my dear sister knows about me is much more than I think that she does, especially my... secrets.

Today is my birthday (aka Confucius' Birthday!). Jia-Jia asks me to come to our lab, she is waiting me there and will give me a surprise for celebrating my birthday. "Happy birthday! Big brother!" Jia-Jia congratulates me when I come in.

"Wow! What's that?" I see a pair of cute legs walking in the air in front of my face.

"That's your birthday gift! I have modified my legs such that they can hover in this lab, like walk in the air! They even can dance! Do you like that?" Jia-Jia says happily.

I look at Jia-Jia's detached legs. Oh my god, they are way too sweet. No, I shall not be attracted by them. They are parts of my sister, but... Hey, it's not good...

"Big brother, don't you feel like that those legs belong to an invisible dancer, and she's dancing in front of you? She does have a nice pair of legs, right? Heehee."

Fine, my dear sister challenges my reason again. Those are the invisible dancer's legs, so it's reasonable for me to enjoy their greatest charms? Okay, I...

"Have you noted that those legs wear demure cute maryjanes? I know you like that XD."

Wahahaha, yes, you are right. Today, here really exists an invisible dancer, let's name her Airwalker. She has the best legs and will dance for me to celebrate my birthday. Other things are not important just today...

However, how does Jia-Jia know about my fetish? Anyway, let's forget it in my birthday.

From the last tragic event, sometimes my sister may become very sentimental.

I saw Jia-Jia sitting on a cupboard yesterday afternoon. More precisely, her body sat above the cupboard, and her head "sat" in the cupboard. Both of her parts were bathed in tender sunshine. "Hi, Jia-Jia, what are you doing?" I asked her.

Jia-Jia noticed me and gave me a big smile. "I am talking to myself, big brother."

"Talking to yourself?" I became pretty curious about that.

"Yeah. I detached my head and removed the wireless communicating interface of my body. Now my head and my body are just linked by intrinsic entanglements and external interactions such that I can be separated from me and talk to myself. Including my head, I have such an amazingly advanced body, so I always feel that myself is an indivisible whole, but it's not the fact. My body isn't me, and my parts have to get acquainted with each other again."

"That sounds like philosophy. Well, keep on going."

"In fact, I need your help, big brother."

"Hum? What's it? Say."

"I have tried, but it seems that I can't reassemble myself back just with intrinsic entanglements and external interactions, haha."

... My sister is a stable genius, isn't she?


