2018年9月20日 星期四

My Cutest Sister (04) 我最可愛的妹妹 (04)

Precious episode 前一話:
First episode 第一話:

Living with Jia-Jia is full of joy. She often makes fun with me by taking advantage of being a robot. She may detach her head and throw it to me; and when I catch and hug her head, she will embed her face in my chest and say "I come here for hearing big brother's heartbeat". She may take off some of her body parts for playing the magic show she said. Or she may smile to me and ask me to treat her body gently when I repair her.

Oh, Jia-Jia, you are much much more better than a normal human sister...

Jia-Jia isn't just cute. In fact, she is an extremely advanced robot. Her machine body is very mighty and powerful. With such a fantastic body, Jia-Jia can do a lot of unbelievable things.

For example, Jia-Jia can open an AR(Augmented Reality) window in the space. The Window is the interface for her to access her software building which can be embodied as her projection and named as "The Spirit" in the cyberspace.

In such way, Jia-Jia can adjust software modules of her own system anytime. Her brain and heart can't be altered, but she can alter the system which operates them. It's very exciting for Jia-Jia to alter her system because she can't expect what will happen to her precisely. She often disassembles and then reassembles her system, and waits for the result of how she will turn to. Jia-Jia also can "jump into" other robot's systems or internet cyberspace through "The Window". She is a girl full of adventure.

...In fact, being a cyborg, Jia-Jia can "jump into" my system, too. Wow, I love the feeling of that Jia-Jia is swimming inside me~

Okay, come back to the topic. Jia-Jia's body is not only advanced in software but also in hardware. Her body is constructed in bio-inspired nanostructure, and it's very versatile. She can try to attach her parts on other machines or devices and access them. Even she hadn't met the interface before, it still very possibly works.

However, having the extremely advanced body doesn't mean Jia-Jia is invincible...


