2015年12月25日 星期五

Reassemble Me Please 請組合我

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て

2015年9月17日 星期四

Alien Robot Girl Nana: Part II 外星機娘娜娜:下集

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド

メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Aliens commanded Nana to lure a young VIP with her seductive body and pretty face. Though aliens could twist Nana's emotions remotely by intercepting data flow from her heart and recompiling it, but Nana's brain still remembered her own true will. It told her body that the guy loved her pure face but hated her erotic body, so the body ejected the head immediately. Aliens had no time to stop it, they decided to abandon Nana and cut the link.

    The guy was shocked, but he really liked Nana, and he brought Nana home and tried to repair her. While Nana was awoken, she asked the guy to help her to get rid of aliens' control.

    Now Nana enjoys her happiness by the guy's side. Sometimes she may show her gratitude in a special way...

2015年9月15日 星期二

Alien Robot Girl Nana: Part I 外星機娘娜娜:上集

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Some aliens planned to invade Earth. They built Nana as their spybot for collecting information of the weakness of human society.

    However, they made a mistake. They gave Nana the heart of mankind for playing the role of a lovable girl. The heart was way too perfect, and it made Nana cheat those aliens for protecting people.

    Aliens finally found Nana's disloyalty. They dismantled Nana for solving the problem.

    The aliens tried many measures on reforming Nana. One day they thought that they got success, and they sent reassembled Nana to go out to test--

2015年8月28日 星期五

Damaged Robot Girls 受損的機器女孩

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
Sensitive 好敏感
"妳...妳在對身體做什麼?好...唔...哦~" "嘿嘿,妳的身體超敏感的,對吧?"

Dear Master 親愛的主人
"You haven't reassembled me correctly, see this wire! I can;t move! ><"
"你沒有好好地把我組裝好啦!看這條電線!討厭,害我不能動! ><"

Hit By A Baseball 被球A到
"Shit! Even when I swim in the pool, a baseball still may hit me! Watch that cave on my beautiful back!"

2015年8月21日 星期五

Robot Girls' Self Maintenance 機器女孩的自我維修

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
Repairing Head 頭部修理
"Wow~ What's that fantastic feeling? I love my brain chip!"

Why 爲啥
"Why? Why do I have such a pair of bouncing buttocks? Why are my legs so sexy? Oh~ I love my lower half!"

Self Checking 自我檢測
"Hehe, I find the way to alter my program by my will during my system self-checking. I know how to enjoy being a robot now. I love my robotic self!"

2015年8月17日 星期一

Robot Girls' Body Parts 機械少女的可拆卸身體

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
Fallen Leg 撿腳
"Excuse me, good sir, can you do me a favor? Please pick my leg up for me^_^"

Drying Up 擦乾身體
"Ouch! Arrr....Oh!" "Don't make freak sounds! I am drying up your body!" "But...you are touching my sensitive parts! ><"
"噢!啊啊啊...哦~" "別發出怪聲音好不好?我正在擦乾妳的身體耶!" "可是...妳一直碰到我敏感的地方的啦! ><"

The Flesh "肉"體
"Dear master, you see. Am I pretty with these artificial flesh parts?" "Hello, mister. We don't just provide limbs. If you need, we also have flesh torso like this." "Master, buy them for me! Please~ "
"親愛的主人,你看我換上的這些人造肉體...我漂亮嗎?" "先生你好,本店不只有人造肉體手腳,還有賣軀幹相關部位喔,比如這個腹部和臀部,很不錯吧!" "啊~我要那個!主人,幫我買嗎?拜託~"

2015年8月15日 星期六

Beach Robot Girls 陽光,沙灘,機械少女!

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
Show Love 示愛
"Wow! What the...Ah! John open my belly to repair me yesterday! And... he confessed his love to me in such a way!? Oh my... ><"

Sunbath 日光浴
"We are leaving, hurry up!" "Ouch! Wait for me! I have to take my head... Huh? My bra? Where is it!?"
"走囉,動作快一點!" "噢!等一下嘛!至少我得拿我的頭...咦?我的胸罩?去哪兒了啦!?"

I Am A Girl 我是女孩子
"Get out of my way, brat!" "Oh, how can you treat a girl like this?" "Huh? Girl? What a joke! Look at your body and your hair style, you are just a brat!" "...Well, fellow me, I will show you."
"滾開,擋路的臭小鬼!" "哦,你怎麼可以對女生這麼粗魯?" "蛤?女生?哈哈,真好笑.看看你那噁爛的破身體,小屁孩的髮型,黑的要命的臉,怎可能是女的!" "...這只是我玩水用的代用身體而已.好吧!跟我來.讓你瞧瞧我完美的身體."

2015年8月14日 星期五

Battle Robot Girls 戰鬥機械少女

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
Gundam 鋼彈 
"Why did they make the gundam into this shape?" "The federal officials thought that maybe Zeon warriors will not attack such a cute robot girl..."
"為何會把鋼彈製造成這個樣子啊?" "聯邦官方以為吉翁戰士們捨不得攻擊這麼可愛的女孩鋼彈..."

Agent 戰警

Tank 戰車

2015年8月11日 星期二

Surprised Robot Girls 被"驚喜"的機械少女們

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
Big Surprise 大驚喜
"Surprise!" "Ah! What are you doing? Hey! ><"
"大驚喜!" "啊!你幹嘛?別這樣! ><"

Minimum Requirement 最小需求
"Oh my... Where is ... my torso? Where?" "Well, I'm testing the minimum requirement of your body parts for operating you."
"天啊,怎會... 請問,我的...軀幹在哪裡?竟然不在我身上!" "喔,那個呀,我正好在測試讓妳運作的最小身體部位需求啦."

Idiot Master 傻瓜主人
"It's morning now, I shall... Wow! What the!? My idiot master played with my body when I was sleeping again!"
"早上了,該起床... 哇賽!我的身體...怎麼回事?可惡!一定又是那個笨主人,又趁我睡著時惡搞我的身體!真是的!"

2015年8月9日 星期日

Hikari & Lina's Funny Daily Life Part D

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て

2015年8月7日 星期五

Hikari & Lina's Funny Daily Life Part C

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て

2015年8月6日 星期四

Hikari & Lina's Funny Daily Life Part B

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て

2015年8月4日 星期二

Hikari & Lina's Funny Daily Life Part A

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て

2015年8月2日 星期日

Gift From My Friend

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
My friend Battery painted 3 pictures for my fembot characters, thank him so much XD

For Manami:

Oh, poor guy, let me take care of your robotic girl friend...... instead of you XD

For Hikari:

Hey! Don't junk Hikari and Lina! They are my dearest girls, even they are not real girls QQ

For Koshi:

Get out of there, Ichigo! It's my turn to study Koshi! :3

2015年7月30日 星期四

Sunshine Girl Koshi -Omake-

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド

メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
Artificial Genius

    Koshi is famous for her "Golden Brain" in the school. She is always the No.1 in any course, and every teacher treasures her. However--

Principal:" Ouch, Mizuho sensei(teacher)! What did you do to Koshi? You take off the Golden Brain from our best student!"

Mizuho:" Hum? I just wanted to research it during the lunch break, shouldn't I?(harmless looking)"

Became Pieces

    Many boys love Koshi, and they join the Robotics club for her, their idol. However--

Classmate A:" Oh no! That pile of metal and electronic kits is our... Goddess? Jesus, I'm broken down! TT"

Classmate B:" Ouch, that's truly terrible. You're right, but... I find that I love her more? Wow, my pieced angel~ ><"

Three Koshis

    Koshi is too popular and mighty in her class. In sport games, everyone fought for Koshi to join their team. Finally, they divided Koshi in to three (of course, with Ichigo's help XD)...

The alternative version:



    One day Koshi said that Ichigo is way too short unintentionally. Next day, Ichigo asked Koshi to accompany her to watch the fireworks in the riverside, and she also said that people would crowd there. Then Ichigo suggested a method to make Koshi taller to make sure she can watch the fireworks---

2015年7月26日 星期日

Sunshine Girl Koshi Part C

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Finally Ichigo couldn't endure the reality. She decided to eliminate her pain from the source: Koshi's affection for Kei. Ichigo had learned about Koshi's body in the Robotics club for a while, and she did know something about the hardware and software of Koshi. She designed a device to generate special current used to influence Koshi's affection---

    Ichigo hadn't manipulated Koshi's memories directly, she didn't have enough knowledge to do it. On the contrary, Ichigo used a smart way to make Koshi's heart to influence her mind by loosing or strengthening her feelings and emotions about the objects. For example, Ichigo adjusted the current flowing into Koshi's heart while she was speaking bad things about Kei to Koshi to let those generated feelings be linked up with Kei's image. Because of this wonder experience, Koshi was amazed and her heart had no space for blaming Ichigo's deed. She was receiving the freakiest psychological experiment in a robotic way---

    When Ichigo talked about herself to Koshi, she reversed the current to improve her position inside Koshi's heart. Koshi understood Ichigo's trick, but she didn't want to fight it. Compared with Kei, Ichigo was the one who truely love Koshi with full heart. When Ichigo maintained Koshi's body, she always did it very carefully; when Ichigo disassembled Koshi for studying, she never put anyone of Koshi's body parts on the ground. If Koshi's inner components were stained, Ichigo would take them out of Koshi's body and clean them gently. By thinking it rationally, Koshi knew that Ichigo would be the best lover for her. However, there was a problem: Koshi was built to be a heterosexual, she could not make herself to love another girl easily. So, she decided to help Ichigo to manipulate her own heart. She wanted to defeat her nature to allow herself to love Ichigo--

2015年7月24日 星期五

Sunshine Girl Koshi Part B

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    As a robot girl, Koshi also has someone that interests her. Kei, an introverted, quiet and sensitive boy, attracted Koshi's eyes. He has an opposite character with Koshi, and that brought about Koshi's maternal instincts. Koshi tried to get close to Kei actively, but Kei didn't show his emotions obviously till the day that Koshi found he was viewing the famous site Fembot Central.

    "Hehehe, I have a plan," Koshi thinks with a naughty smile--

    Koshi and Kei got more and more intimate day by day. However, there was one person who felt unhappy about the situation-- Ichigo. Ichigo ever thought that she would always be the best friend of Koshi. She didn't want to share the warmest part of Koshi's heart to anyone. But, a short and sissy boy appeared.

    Seeing Koshi's behavior towards Kei, Ichigo's heart ached. Even when Koshi commited her own head-off body to Kei, Ichigo was asked to watch and remotely guide it's actions to please Kei. That was such a bitter pill for Ichigo to swallow. Is it Koshi's mind(inside Koshi's head)'s fault? Or her heart(inside Koshi's chest)'s fault? Which one shall I blame? Ichigo didn't know. She only knew that it becomes harder and harder for her to stop generating twisted emotions when facing disassembled Koshi in club activities...