2015年7月26日 星期日

Sunshine Girl Koshi Part C

機械娘 メカ少女 アンドロイド
メカバレ 機能停止 バラバラ 解体 修理 改造 メンテナンス 組み立て
    Finally Ichigo couldn't endure the reality. She decided to eliminate her pain from the source: Koshi's affection for Kei. Ichigo had learned about Koshi's body in the Robotics club for a while, and she did know something about the hardware and software of Koshi. She designed a device to generate special current used to influence Koshi's affection---

    Ichigo hadn't manipulated Koshi's memories directly, she didn't have enough knowledge to do it. On the contrary, Ichigo used a smart way to make Koshi's heart to influence her mind by loosing or strengthening her feelings and emotions about the objects. For example, Ichigo adjusted the current flowing into Koshi's heart while she was speaking bad things about Kei to Koshi to let those generated feelings be linked up with Kei's image. Because of this wonder experience, Koshi was amazed and her heart had no space for blaming Ichigo's deed. She was receiving the freakiest psychological experiment in a robotic way---

    When Ichigo talked about herself to Koshi, she reversed the current to improve her position inside Koshi's heart. Koshi understood Ichigo's trick, but she didn't want to fight it. Compared with Kei, Ichigo was the one who truely love Koshi with full heart. When Ichigo maintained Koshi's body, she always did it very carefully; when Ichigo disassembled Koshi for studying, she never put anyone of Koshi's body parts on the ground. If Koshi's inner components were stained, Ichigo would take them out of Koshi's body and clean them gently. By thinking it rationally, Koshi knew that Ichigo would be the best lover for her. However, there was a problem: Koshi was built to be a heterosexual, she could not make herself to love another girl easily. So, she decided to help Ichigo to manipulate her own heart. She wanted to defeat her nature to allow herself to love Ichigo--

