2016年4月29日 星期五

Beautiful Artwork

"......Beautiful, way too beautiful." "......太美了,實在是太美了."
"What a beautiful artwork, isn't it, Yui?" "真是件美麗的藝術作品,對吧,由衣?"
"Yui? Why don't you answer me? Can't you appreciate such a beautiful thing?" "由衣?妳怎不回答我?難道妳沒辦法欣賞這麼美麗的事物?"
"...But dear master, that's just my body! Why do I must appreciate my own body without staying on it!?" "...但是我的好主人,那就是我的身體!我幹嘛非得待在自己身體外,去欣賞自己身體的美啊!?"

"Well, it's really your body, but it's also my creation. It's a masterpiece, both in areas of art and engineering." "是啊,那的確是妳的身體,但也是我的作品.真是件曠世巨作啊,不論從藝術還是科技來看...妳就和我一起好好地欣賞吧!"

2016年4月20日 星期三

Build Your Private Idol 打造你的專屬偶像

    Hoshimi is a famous idol. Being such a cute and vivid girl, she is very popular among youths. However, there is only one Hoshimi, but many guys love her. It means that none of her fans can truly get her love.

    Fortunately, Hoshimi's management company finally solved the problem by building and selling robot Hoshimi. You can bring your beloved Hoshimi home easily, just buy one.

    Your private Hoshimi is waiting for you.

2016年4月9日 星期六

Bad service 糟糕的服務

Fembot Liz goes to "Machine Doctor" Kelvin's place for maintenance.

"Welcome! Miss, I am glad to serve you."
"Hello, doctor. I am a robot, and I need you to maintain my body."
"It's my pleasure. Please wait me for completing my work, just a while. You can take off your clothes first."
"Er, I guess that I don't need to take off my clothes..."
"What? If you don't do it, how can I repair, or modify, or reform your body?"
"Well, I don't need myself to be repaired, modified, or reformed this time. I come here for routine body check and device software update. You have to disassemble me for the purpose, but you don't need to open my body up."
"I don't need to open your body up? Oh my, what a boring case!"
"Huh? Doctor?"
"Anyway, I will maintain your dull body. Business is business."
"My... my dull body~! >_<"
"Shut up and stand here."
"我...我的笨體... ><"

"...Hey doctor."
"What the?"
"Why do you treat my body parts this way?"
"What's wrong? I have done anything to your body which you asked me to do."
"But why don't you treat my parts more gently!? you threw my headless torso onto the table, pulled my wires out of my body so rudely, hung my right leg without support, stepped on the tiptoe of my left leg for standing it, and now even let me to hold my detached head on my own!"
"Haha, your boring body parts just mean machine pieces to me, and I treat them in the correct way for treating machines."
"Alas... Doctor, as a robot, I am really made up of machine pieces; but I am also a girl! A girl, A GIRL! You do hurt my feelings, what a bad service!"